Ancient Technology

Stephen Fox BA MA

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
Steveythefox [at]

I studied Archaeology at University College Dublin where I completed my BA and MA in Prehistoric and Experimental Archaeology in 2014. I have a particular interest in craftsmanship and embodied cognitive approaches to tool use, which I have personally explored through archery and bow-making.

Anita Radini PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
anita.radini [at]
United Kingdom

I am an archaeological scientist interested in ancient labour division in past and traditional societies. I study the impact on health of ancient crafting activities. I am particularly interested in 'dusty' crafts such (as pottery, pigments, dyes making, textile production).

Alice La Porta PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
alice.laporta [at]
United Kingdom

I have recently submitted my PhD thesis in partnership with the University of Exeter and the University of Reading. My research investigates the evidence, use and performance of stone-tipped spear technologies among Neanderthal populations in the European Middle Palaeolithic.