
Anniversary:10 years UNESCO World Heritage Site of prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps


For the anniversary «10 years UNESCO World Heritage Site of prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps» we are going to the lake together with the Office for Monument Preservation and Archeology. At the Zuger Landsgemeindeplatz we provide information about the world heritage and the pile dwelling.

South West Bushcraft & Outdoor Show

Organised by
United Kingdom

2021 sees the first South West Bushcraft & Outdoor Show!

Promoting traditional crafts, primitive skills and bushcraft. Journey back in time by visiting our Anglo Saxon woodland farmstead, where you can witness and try your hand at an array of different traditional skills and crafts to understand how our ancestor's lived off the land.

EAD21 in the Parco Archeologico Didattico del Livelet


19 June 2021 - Saturday afternoon at Livelet
Enjoy the extraordinary opening on Saturday afternoons in June 2021.

The Prosecco Hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, in whose territory the Livelet is included, have recently become a UNESCO Site ... To celebrate, the saturday workshops at Livelet are dedicated to the UNESCO HERITAGE of the World!

The Many Faces of Experimental Archaeology


Experimental archaeology combines scientific research methodology with traditional craftsmanship, public relations and community building. Matilda Siebrecht (PhD Student at the University of Groningen and host of the podcast series 'The EXARC Show') and Franz Pieler discuss the opportunities of experimental archaeology as a research approach.

The Ancient Magic of Malt: Making Malt Sugars and Ale from Grain Using Traditional Techniques

Merryn Dineley (UK)
The transformation of grain into malt, malt sugars and ale is a three step process. First, the controlled germination (malting), then ‘mashing in’ and collecting a sweet liquid known as wort and finally, the fermentation by pitching the yeast which converts the sugary wort into an alcoholic beverage. Each step requires different conditions for the process to work. They cannot be combined...

Adrien Fauchois

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
adrien.fauchois [at]
Crafts & Skills

I am a student in archaeology at the Sorbonne-université in Paris, France. I am also a flint knapper since 2018. I have always been fascinated by archaeology, ancient civilisations and artifacts. Thus, when the time had come, I decided to study archaeology at univeristy.

Book Review: Determining Prehistoric Skin Processing Technologies by Theresa Emmerich Kamper

Carol van Driel-Murray (NL)
This volume on prehistoric tanning technology is the revised and expanded version of the dissertation submitted to Exeter University in 2015. It is noteworthy in that it places experiment at the heart of the entire research programme, thereby radically changing the perspective from which archaeological and ethnographic artefacts might be approached...