Late Middle Ages

Laura Mussi

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
mussilaura [at]
Crafts & Skills

Graduated in 2001 at the University of Pavia with a thesis in Archaeology of the Roman Provinces, I subsequently obtained from the Province of Pavia the qualification of expert technician in the analysis and cataloguing of monumental assets at risk according to the Risk Map, the qualification of

Makli Hills Monuments (PK)

Member of EXARC

Makli Necropolis is situated in the town of Makli, district Thatta, which is located on a plateau approximately 6 kilometres from the city of Thatta, the capital of lower Sindh until the 17th century. It lies approximately 98 km east of Karachi, near the apex of the Indus River Delta in south-eastern Sindh.  

The Historical Monuments at Makli, Thatta, is a protected antiquity in terms of the Antiquities Act, 1975, passed by the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The Constitution (18th Amendment) Act 2010 (Act No. X of 2010), bestowed the Government of Sindh with full administrative and financial authority over all heritage sites located in its province. The Culture Department of the Provincial Government of Sindh is responsible for the management and protection of the Historical Monuments at Makli, Thatta.

First International Festival of Traditional Food

Organised by

Traditions are an integral part of every culture and help to preserve it over the centuries. Many folk customs are associated with food, so it, like the language, is a major ethnic feature and part of folklore. The use of certain nutrients and cooking methods that are passed down from generation to generation is called

Department of Archaeology and Sheffield Archaeomaterials, University of Sheffield (UK)

Member of EXARC

Experimental archaeology has been a core research and teaching methodology at Sheffield since the early-1990s. Crossing archaeomaterials and environmental archaeology, experimental investigations are a key component of our work and have offered a multifaceted approach to our research. We integrate experimental methodologies and practice into our taught modules to inform interpretation as part of understanding our past. 

Our research covers a vast number of archaeological periods from prehistory to recent history, working closely with modern practitioners to inform our work in a collaborative environment.