Archäoforum – powered by EXARC

Archaeoforum – powered by EXARC

Before Facebook and Twitter, we had online forums. These have some obvious advantages over social media, for example in the easily accessible archives. Nobody has to reinvent the wheel, information does not go lost. 

Back in 2005, several friends in Germany decided to start a forum about pre- and protohistory, archaeology and reconstruction. By now, it counts over 42,000 posts in over 4,800 threads. So far, everything is in German. The costs for the forum (hosting, domain) are covered by donations from the forum members. New archaeological discoveries are presented here, questions asked about reconstructions and living history, difficult to find literature can be found through this forum and current experimental archaeology programs, like in Ergersheim, are discussed. 

Since 2018, the Archaeoforum is under the EXARC umbrella as a neutral base. We are very grateful to those before us who kept the forum running for 12.5 years. The forum is ready to accept new members. One does not need to be EXARC member to join Archäoforum. 


Are you interested in archaeology, experimental archaeology, living History and reconstruction? Do you speak German? Check it out at Want to join? Email

Interesse an Archäologie, experimentellen Archäologie, living History und Rekonstruktion? Schau mal auf ArchäoForum: Das Forum beitreten? Mail uns unter
