Calendar of Events

Museums 2030 – Sharing Recipes for a better Future

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NEMO European Museum Conference 2019

Museums 2030 - Sharing recipes for a better future

7-10 November 2019 | Tartu, Estonia

With the goal of ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity for all by 2030, the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in September 2015. NEMO has decided to dedicate its 27th European Museum Conference to showcase how museums are contributing, and can contribute, to a better future. 

Approximately 150 participants, representatives from European national museum organisations, museum experts, culture policy people and people active in European cooperation projects will meet to discuss topics relevant to the European museums, to exchange expertise, to liaise and to network.

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Within the larger agenda of creating a better and brighter future, NEMO has decided to put a certain focus on Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities and Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions. Together we will explore how museums contribute to the sustainable development of cities and communities and how they – as strong institutions, can support peace and justice in a more imbalanced world. NEMO will not only demonstrate how museums and the sector at large are capable of contributing to sustainable development, but also share good practice examples of museums that already make a difference in their communities and contribute to an equal and fair world.

By inspiring museums and other cultural institutions to step it up and dare to take action, NEMO wants to show that the museum community is an excellent key player in achieving the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

At the conference you will be able to attend an inspiring keynote speech and interview, engaging workshops, interesting panel discussions as well as museum study visits and Working Group meetings. Get inspired by courageous museum project in the Museum Project Slam and mingle at several networking opportunities.

Join us at the Estonian National Museum from 7-10 November 2019!