Calendar of Events


Kind of Event
Organised by
UMR 7194 - HNHP
UMR 7091 ArScAn, équipe ANTET

Dear colleagues,

Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the deadline for submission of abstracts (communications, posters or public demonstrations) was extended to 26 June 2020. We are aware of the current difficulties of many researchers. This report aims to enable as many people as possible to participate in this important scientific meeting to experimental archaeology.

Furthermore, this will allow us to better assess the evolution of the health constraints linked to the epidemic and to decide on postponing or maintaining this scientific meeting for the end of October. Decision will be made before summer. In case the congress is postponed in 2021, the already paid abstracts and registrations will obviously remain valid.

We hope that many of you will attend this congress.
Take care

The Organizing Committee


The 6th CONEXP will be held in Pézenas (Hérault, France), between 20 and 22th of October 2020.

The aim of the 6th CONEXP is to bring together researchers from diverse thematic backgrounds working on past societies, from Palaeolithic to historic periods (technologists, traceologists, archaeozoologists, from environmental sciences etc.).

All works that use experiments serving archaeological issues are welcome. They have to fall within the congress thematics:

  • Reconstruction of past behaviours
  • Taphonomy
  • Scientific Mediation

Several presentation types are possible:

  • Oral communication
  • Poster
  • Live experiments, demo, and presentation of experimental repositories.

Proceedings will be published.

Abstract instructions

The deadline for abstracts is April 30th 2020. They have to be send to: sends email)

Abstracts can be written in French, English and Spanish and have to follow these instructions:

  • Times New Roman, font 12, in a Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF format;
  • Present a concise title, authors and their affiliation, e-mail of corresponding author
  • Between 3 and 6 keywords;
  • The abstract has to present the experiment, their results and an application in an archaeological context;
  • It must not exceed 2,500 characters including spaces;

Explain whether it is a request for an oral presentation, a demonstration/presentation during the experimental session or a poster Posters have to be printed in A0 format (vertical -841mm x 1189mm) in a special session.

The registration to the congress is mandatory for the first author, even if he does not communicate himself.

Registration and Fees

Registrations will be open from January 1th 2020 until October 10th 2020. They will be effective after the send of the registration formular and the proof of payment to: sends email)

Fees, between 01/01/2020 and 30/06/2020
General  40€
Reduced* 20€

After 30/06/2020
General  60€
Reduced* 40€

*Students, unemployed.
Payments have to be made by bank transfer to the GREPAM.

Details Experimental Session

The session will take place outside, on the hill of Pézena Castle. Possibilities are:

  • presentation of experimental repositories;
  • live scientific experimentation (with or without the participation);
  • demonstrations.

Do not hesitate to contact us at the same time as your abstract deposit for logistics (space required, equipment etc.).