Calendar of Events

International Traditional Archery Tournament

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From 25.- 26.09. 2021 on the territory of the Historical Park , village of Neofit Rilski, district Varna, Bulgaria, will host an International traditional archery tournament "Historical Park" - Bulgaria, 2021.

It is expected that over two hundred archers from Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, etc. will take part in the tournament, who will compete in shooting with the historical forms of the bow from Antiquity and the Middle Ages.

As official guests of the tournament are invited and will be attended by some of the greatest shooters and scholars of traditional shooting in the world.

The large prize fund of the tournament will be provided by the host and organizer of the event "Historical Park" and will aim to reward in a proper way the work and skills of the best shooters and revivalists of this ancient and beautiful art.

We expect thousands of guests - lovers of the history and culture of their ancestors, from Bulgaria and the whole civilized world, to be with us and enjoy the ancient art and skills of bow fighters.

All fans of traditional shooting are welcome. Welcome and let us TOGETHER revive for Bulgaria another beautiful part of its ancient history and culture!