Calendar of Events

Scottish Weekend

Kind of Event
Organised by
the Netherlands

During the weekend of 25 and 26 April, Scottish history from 1300 to the present will get full attention in Archeon. Different periods between 1300 and the Second World War are re-enacted. Both citizens and regiments show the daily Scottish life through the ages. A camp from the year 1300, Scots from the year 1745 and the group 92nd Gordon Highlanders will show the life of that time. There are special activities for children.


Experience historic Scotland and watch the many demonstrations. There are demonstrations of bagpipes, original weapons and their use. Demonstrations of the Claymore, the Scottish great sword, but also muskets and other shooting equipment. Various regiments will also give weapon demonstrations with black powder. The weapons and shooting demonstrations are at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.