Calendar of Events

Serdica is my Rome II

Kind of Event
Market / Fair
Organised by
Association for Antique reconstructions "Mos Maiorum Ulpiae Serdicae" (BG)

We have the honor to invite you to the second edition of Festival of Antique Heritage “Serdica is my Rome” which will be held in Bulgaria’s capital city – Sofia. This event continues our mission to popularize the rich historical and cultural legacy of Sofia: the West gate of Ancient Serdica.

Reenactors from Bulgaria and Europe will bring the visitors back to the IVth century AD, presenting a glimpse of the events, crafts, culture and everyday life of Romans and Goths, who lived in these lands in the Late Antiquity.

The event is organised by association for Antiquity reconstruction “Mos Maiorum Ulpiae Serdicae” in partnership with the regional history museum of Sofia. The project is funded by Sofia municipality’s programme “Culture”.