Calendar of Events

Time travel. Hunters, gatherers and farmers


"Time travel" is our new series with three events, each focused on a different archaeological era. "Hunters, gatherers and farmers" is the time travel to the Stone Age. During this journey you will see how prehistoric hunter-gatherers obtained food and why they lived in temporary shelters. You will learn when the first farmers appeared in the area of Biskupin, what plants they cultivated and why they built very strong and lasting "long houses" made of wooden piles. You will check their diet, what kind of transport they could use and where in Poland was found the oldest in the world image of a four-wheeled wagon. In short, you will see what was the daily life of people in the Stone Age, what were the main differences between the hunter-gatherers and the first farmers life. We will wait for you with the special demonstrations and workshops of the flintworking techniques, prehistoric weaving, making of pottery and adornments.