Calendar of Events

Walpurgis Night

Kind of Event
Organised by

We wish to celebrate the arrival of the spring, and invite you all to celebrate Walpurgis night with us. Come to the Viking town and enjoy the spring that is hopefully here, chat with the Vikings, stroll around and check out the buildings in the town. 

Shop and entrance open 10.00 - 16.00
Guided tours   11.00 and 13.00.
Regular entry fee up until 14.00, then free entry.

Walpurgis celebration

Normally the gates of the Viking town closes at 17.00, but during Walpurgis celebrations the town will stay open longer.

15.30 Gathering by the rune stone

16.00 Torchlight procession to light the bonfire at Hola Stenar (if the wind allows, otherwise a basket bonfire). Here we will welcome the spring and honour it with a poem.