Università La Sapienza di Roma (IT)

Member of EXARC

BA and MA Courses of Experimental Archaeology are taught in Sapienza by C. Lemorini (Dept. of Classics) and by C. Lemorini and E. Cristiani (Dept. of Environmental Biology).

PhD projects regarding or integrating Experimental Archaeology can be proposed for the application to the Doctoral Course of Archaeology of Sapienza University.
The courses explore the state of the art of the methodology, the organization and realization of experimental protocols often connected with the research projects of the Laboratory of Technological and Functional Analysis of Prehistoric Artefacts, LTFAPA (Dept. Of Classics), directed by C. Lemorini https://www.ltfapa.it/(link is external).
Moreover, Experimental Archaeology as medium to explain  archaeology to the students of primary and secondary schools and to the general public is widely applied by the Museo delle Origini (director, Conati Barbaro) during regular visits to the permanent exhibitions and during special events https://web.uniroma1.it/polomuseale/en/node/5654(link is external).
LTFAPA laboratory has a long tradition of integration of the Experimental Archaeology with the Technological, Use-Wear and Residues Analyses of lithic, ceramic, osseous and metal tools. This integration allows to carry our research projects related not only to Prehistory but also to the Classical and Middle Age periods. Moreover, the experimental protocols are carried out with a plurennial collaboration with artisans who preserve and rework traditional Italian skills especially in weaving activities. 
This integrated approach of study is accessible not only to specialists that can visit the laboratory but also to students from Sapienza and from other institutions that want to experience it with stages or short visits.
Experimental Archaeology at the Sapienza University is also supported by the InterUniversitary Center CRISP that promotes common projects of research and teaching through a network of Universities led by the University of Siena.