Université de Liège (BE)

Member of EXARC

TraceoLab is a research centre in prehistory with a particular focus on the analysis of use-wear and residues on stone tools in combination with extensive experimentation. The experimental research is thus focused on stone tools, in various raw materials but with a predominance of flint. 

All stone tools are manufactured by a skilled knapper who is a member of TraceoLab. The group is involved in a lot of methodological work, in relation to use-wear, residues and taphonomy, while also specific themes are addressed, such as hafting and projectiles. The lab houses specific equipment for experimentation, in particular for projectiles, next to specialized analytical equipment.


•    Wear analysis of stone tools: production, use, prehension, hafting, etc. Specific attention is devoted to an understanding of stone tool life cycles as a means to improve our understanding of assemblage variability.
•    Residue analysis of stone tools.
•    The focus lies on flint tools mainly, but coarser-grained raw materials are examined as well (e.g., experience with quartz).
•    The focus lies on prehistoric assemblages, in particular Palaeolithic ones, but the lab has experience with later assemblages (Mesolithic, Neolithic and later).