University of Kyiv (UA)

Member of EXARC

At the Department: Archaeology and Museum Studies, Assoc. Ryzhov Sergey Nikolaevich teaches a module on experimental archaeology. 
Experimental archaeology is a field of modern archaeology through which the reconstruction or modelling of particular techniques or technologies of the past is carried out on the basis of previous research into archaeological sources.

Experimental archaeology uses a hypothetical-deductive method of checking and evaluating archaeological information. In the process of checking the sources, practical historical reconstructions are carried out for each individual chronological and territorial complex of archaeological sites.
Reproduction of ancient technologies and techniques is intrinsically linked to the functional-usewear method and the use of the microscope. In the process of historical reproduction of ancient technologies, research involves archaeozoology, paleobothany, paleo-geography, primatology, human physiology, etc.

The module includes the following sections: History and historiography of the emergence of the experimental method in archaeological reconstruction, Research methods and stages of experiment design and planning and the influence of experimental archaeology on the process of historical reconstruction.