Uniwersytet Warszawski (PL)

Member of EXARC

The University of Warsaw established in 1816, is the largest university in Poland. It employs over 6,000 staff including over 3,100 academic educators. It provides graduate courses for 53,000 students (on top of over 9,200 postgraduate and doctoral candidates). The University offers some 37 different fields of study, 18 faculties and over 100 specializations in Humanities, technical as well as Natural Sciences. 

Institute of Archaeology

The Institute of Archaeology at University of Warsaw is the largest academic institution of its kind in Poland and one of the largest in the world. It is divided into 17 Departments and 7 Laboratories. The Institute hires c. 100 staff, including researchers, lecturers, technicians and administrators. We teach about almost every branch of modern archaeology and related sciences to over 1500 students from different areas of study. The Institute of Archaeology is part of the Faculty of History UW, together with Institutes of History, Art History, Information and Book Studies, Musicology, Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology and the Center for Precolumbian Studies.

Experimental Archaeology 

Dr Katarzyna Pyżewicz carried out the implementation of the Stone Age Experimental Campsite (together with students and PhD students from the Faculty of Archeology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, the Faculty of Archaeology at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, the Faculty of Archeology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University and employees of the Archaeological Museum in Biskupin) aimed at preparing archaeological experimental research run by students and doctoral students, and the popularization of the Stone Age in the reserve at the Archaeological Museum in Biskupin and through social media (since 2005) https://pl-pl.facebook.com/obozowisko.biskupin/ (link is external)