Angie Wickenden MA

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
United Kingdom

I’m a Self-employed studio potter, specialising in a contemporary practice of throwing tableware on a potter’s wheel. I gained an experimental archaeology Masters at Exeter university in 2014. I’ve specialized in the experimental archaeology of early Neolithic Southwest British pottery and recently have completed a project on a reconstruction of the Neolithic Hembury bowl. This has included materials research of gabbro clay, of situating the potter at the centre of a ceramic chaîne opératoire and an exploration of time within a chaîne opératoire. The project has also involved a film being made of the reconstruction of the Hembury bowl for public engagement purposes promoting the conservation of Hembury Hillfort, East Devon. This will be published soon. 

After graduating from the MA I wrote a course based on my dissertation which teaches prospecting for natural local clays, making reconstructions of prehistoric pottery and firing them in open fires, pits, domestic hearths or built cob kilns. This course has proved to be popular. I also run experimental ceramic firing weekends in Devon. 

I post all these activities to my Instagram page, to my FB page and my blog (see links).