Luca Bedini

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address

My research and experimentation activity started in summer 2008 with the first pit-firings and the first mono-chamber kiln (Bronze Age).

After deciding of making it my profession, it went on with the ambitious purpose of reconstructing the entire pottery chaine operatoire for both Bronze Age and Iron Age.

I built and used a second mono-chamber kiln in 2009 until 2012, when I built the first separate chamber kiln with a pierced fixed floor within the Villanovian House project built at the educational farm "Asineria di Gombola" (MO). This kiln is the tool for most of my research and experimentations regarding Etruscan Bucchero production (total reduction firing) and Roman Sigillata (total oxidation firing), naturally linked with numerous tests on fabrics, surface treatment and varnishes obtained through the wet method with iron oxide rich clays.

Meanwhile, I perfectioned my skills of pottery manufacture and throwing (slow and fast turning wheel).
In 2017 I built the first brick kiln with separate chambers to experiment with the Greek black figure technique (semi-reduction firing), determining and evaluating the complexity of the variables and obtaining excellent results.

From 2012 onwards I also experiment with bronze casting with techniques (double matrix mould, sand and lost wax) and pits-furnaces from both Bronze Age and Iron age, with glass making and with bone and antler working.

Since 2010 I take part to public and museum events in Italy and abroad, addressing the public and re-enactors with my faithful reconstructions.