I'm an archaeologist and a postgraduate student at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano specializing in Early Medieval Archaeology and Landscape Archaeology; I'm particularly interested in longobard material culture and I have a long experience in archaeological excavations.
Currently, my research is about the technology of the longobard pottery and its meaning in the germanic society. I use an interdisciplinary approach to understand the whole sequence of pottery production, employing experimental archaeology as an important instrument of my study; focus is on the comprehension of technological traces, surface treatments, firing and use of this type of pottery.
I'm also interested in Public Archaeology, working with the association ARES-Archeologia, Reenactment e Storia (EXARC Member) and its project Presenze Longobarde; I'm one of the founders of the scientific journal “Archeologie Sperimentali. Temi, Metodi, Ricerche”.