Skånes Djurparks Camping Höör (SE)

Member of EXARC
Member of ICOM

At the Skånes Djurpark (a big animal park with domestic animals) researchers at Lund University started in 1982 with a Stone Age Village (Stenåldersbyn). People involved were Göran Burenhult, Lars Larsson and Sven Rosborn. They erected under the theme “Forntid i Nutid”) Mesolithic Summer huts from the early Stone Age built on the archaeological finds from Ageröd and Skateholm in Skåne.

Open from

They also erected a longhouse from the late Stone Age (farming period) from the archaeological findings from Fosie outside Malmö, Skåne. They also built a long dolmen from an archaeological example from Fosie nearby Malmö. Finally, they built an ethnographically inspired "skull house" and an activity area for school children.

By 1988, the Zoo decided not to run the project independently anymore but to have it run by an external party. At present, the Stenåldersbyn is rented out to Grottbyn AB, a small family owned company who are running it as a camping site and a youth hostel. It is closed for visitors. 

55.9593, 13.544