
NGO "Chorna Galych" (UA)

Chorna Halych is a public organization that unites professional and amateur historians, artists, craftspeople and people who are interested in the medieval history and culture of Ukraine, and its role and place in the European area. Therefore, we are engaged in research, recreation and implementation of everyday life, cuisine, art, crafts and military matters of the Galician and Volyn lands of the Kingdom of Rus in the 13th and 14th centuries. The main tasks of the organization are social development and education.

Large part of our activity is interaction with youth, increasing their level of interest in history by involving them in interactive classes and training in medieval swordplay.
We present our activity mainly with lectures, interactive lessons of living history, thematic events that take place in educational institutions or archaeological (open-air) museums.

Crafts and areas in which Chorna Halych members take part at:

Let the Chips Fall Where They May: Evaluating the Impact and Effectiveness of Video Resources for Knowledge Transfer in Flint Knapping

John Kiernan (US)
Knowledge and know-how: The ‘how’ of knowledge transferal continues to be a question in prehistoric archaeology, especially in relation to early hominid development. Has the transferal process been greatly affected by our so-called modern world and its technological advantages? Have the current modes of communication enhanced and eased the transfer of knowledge? As visualization is a key element...

Blending the Material and the Digital: A Project at the Intersection of Museum Interpretation, Academic Research, and Experimental Archaeology

C. Jeffra,
J. Hilditch,
J. Waagen,
T. Lanjouw,
M. Stoffer,
L. de Gelder and
M. J. Kim (NL)
The power of digital technologies to communicate archaeological information in a museum context has recently been critically evaluated (Paardekooper, 2019). A recent collaboration between members of the Tracing the Potter’s Wheel project, the 4D Research Lab, and the Allard Pierson Museum and Knowledge Institute illustrates the way that such...

The Development of the 1st Cultural Exchange of Traditional Knowledge and Experimental Practices of the Peruaçu River Basin

Ana Carolina Brugnera and
Lucas Bernalli Fernandes Rocha (DE)


The Peruaçu National Park is a nature conservation unit located in the environs of the Peruaçu River basin, in the North of the State of Minas Gerais, and it preserves an area for the Cerrado biome of Brazil. The Cerrado is an area of 2 million square kilometres and is the second largest biome covering the Brazilian territory. However, just 20% of it is preserved. The region of the Peruaçu National Park belongs to this preserved 20%. On it is one of the most important archaeological sites of rock paintings in the state of Minas Gerais.

Asociación Cantabruri Historia 3.0 - Difusión y Divulgación del Patrimonio Histórico (ES)

Cantabruri Association (Cantabruri - Dissemination and Disclosure of Historical Heritage), an association of historians and archaeologists who, at the end of our studies, have profiled ourselves for the disclose and dissemination of historical heritage. We focus on the Cantabria area, in the north of Spain. We are currently working with different regional government institutions.

Cantabruri Association (Cantabruri - Dissemination and Disclose n of Historical Heritage), an association of historians and archaeologists who, at the end of our studies, have profiled ourselves for the disclose a nd dissemination of historical heritage. We focus on the Cantabria area, in the north of Spain. We are currently working with different regional government institutions...

Experimental Archaeology in the Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia

Antoni Palomo (ES)
11th EAC Trento 2019
***The Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya (MAC) was created under the Museums of Catalonia Act in 1990 by the Department of Culture of the Government of Catalonia. Its foundation dates back to 1932. The museum carries out various activities related to Experimental Archaeology projects in the fields of both education and research...

Digital Saryazd: Increasing Tourist Engagement Using Digital Documentation

Kristy-Lee Seaton (AU) and
Miglena Raykovska (BG)
Saryazd Castle is located in Yazd Province, Iran. The castle dates to the Samani era, with later expansion during the Safavid era. Constructed entirely of mud-brick, Saryazd was continuously used until the mid-20th century as a vault, protecting both people and their property. Earthenware structures require continual renewal in order to maintain the integrity of the structure. Today, visitors can...

Experimental Archaeology and Tacit Learning: Textiles in the Classroom

Jennifer Beamer (UK)
Archaeology benefits from the integrated approaches generated from experimental archaeology and tacit learning because they afford a deeper exploration of our interpretations of the archaeological record. Though these benefits are generally supported by the discipline at large, experimental and experiential studies tend to remain interesting rather than influential. Introducing pedagogical practices which use these...

AvAnt Ge - Association pour la valorisation de l'Antiquité à Genève (CH)

AvAnt Ge is a non-profit organization whose goal is to promote and share interest and knowledge of Antiquity with the public, through the organization of la Nuit Antique.

It is composed of scholars, professors, students and mediation professionals. By developing and fostering effective synergies between the various actors mentioned, as well as with several institutions in the region, it relies on the vitality of research in this field.

Considering the great enthusiasm of the public for Antiquity in all its forms (history, daily life, archeology, literature…), Avant Ge proposes to federate the motivation and skills of its members around this festival now well anchored in the cultural landscape of Greater Geneva.

Gladiatorenschule Trier e.V. - Lvdvs Treverorvm (DE)

Based on the current archaeological findings and the knowledge of various martial arts, we reconstruct, train and demonstrate the gladiator fights of antiquity.

We believe that gladiatorship was anything but an undemanding slaughter. It was a martial art with the presentation of Virtus "Roman virtues" at the highest level. This level is our goal! We have the claim, to learn what the art the gladiator was about and strive to perfection when it comes to being a roman fighter. It is our intention to teach the knowledge we accumulate - cause we believe, that only be understanding our past, we can forge our future.