
Csiki Pihenokert, Csiki Garden (HU)

Member of EXARC

The “Csiki Garden” is a Medieval eco-archaeological park and Summer camp (in Hungarian: Csiki Pihenőkert, Árpád-kori régészeti park, erdei-iskola és nyári tabor) coordinated by the Régiségbúvár Egyesület (Antiques-research Association). The goals are to present Hungarian medieval life and history (buildings, agriculture, craftsmanship, foods, arms, costumes, et cetera) as well as teaching the children in schools and in Summer camps.

The “Csiki Garden” is a Medieval eco-archaeological park and Summer camp coordinated by the Régiségbúvár Egyesület. The goals are to present Hungarian medieval life and history (buildings, agriculture, craftsmanship, foods, arms, costumes, et cetera) as well as...

Parc Arqueològic de Sant Llorenç de Montgai (ES)

Member of EXARC

The educational Parc Arqueològic de Sant Llorenç de Montgai in Catalonia is an educational and leisure installation designed by the CEPAP (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) to bring schoolchildren and families closer to prehistoric ways of life and to the research methods that archaeology uses to broaden its knowledge, and to the preservation of cultural heritage in archaeological sites and the landscape surrounding them.

The educational Parc Arqueològic de Sant Llorenç de Montgai in Catalonia is an educational and leisure installation designed by the CEPAP (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) to bring schoolchildren and families closer to prehistoric ways of life...