Early Middle Ages

Book Review: "Experiments Past" Edited by Jodi Reeves Flores & Roeland P. Paardekooper

Clara Masriera i Esquerra (ES)
The publication in 1979 of the John Coles’ book Experimental Archaeology can be called the vademecum of the experimental archaeology. Many particular experiments have been published since then, such as A Bibliography of Replicative Experiments in Archaeology (Graham et al. 1972) and...

Mittelalterzentrum Vechta e.V. (DE)

Member of EXARC

The association wants to create a better understanding of European and German history, especially the history of the historical Vechta region. Our work should remarkably differ from the stereotype of an old-fashioned museum, keeping a high standard in research quality and up-to-dateness of our projects.

The association wants to create a better understanding of European and German history, especially the history of the historical Vechta region. Our work should remarkably differ from the stereotype of an old-fashioned museum...

From the Minutes of “Universities & Experimental Archaeology” Roundtable Discussion 7th May 2014

H. Steane Price (UK) and
R. Paardekooper (NL)
EXARC, Experimenta and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid invited several universities to a round table meeting in Madrid, in May 2014. EXARC's aim was to bring colleagues into one room to share their experiences in handling experimental archaeology from an academic perspective...

Event Review: Food Workshop in Archeon at the OpenArch conference 2013

Rüdiger Kelm (DE)
OpenArch Dialogue with Skills Issue
***Food and drink are basic needs for every human being. From the perspective of our modern culinary practices, with all its specialities and customs, the traditional cuisines, and especially the pre- and protohistoric dishes, seem not only very far away, but also very primitive and have a negative connotation...

Katharina Detreköy

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
k.detrekoey [at] vtxfree.ch
Crafts & Skills

The point of my interest is Northeast Greenlandic archaeology: Independence, Saqqaq (a settlement in Western Greenland), Dorset culture (a Paleo-Inuit culture, lasting from 500 BC to between 1000 and 1500 AD).

From the Soil to the Iron Product - the Technology of Medieval Iron Smelting

Adam Thiele (HU)
2013 EXARC meeting at Csiki Pihenökert (HU)
***Nowadays, the development of technology rushes past the people of the machine-based technical civilisation, therefore they fail to understand the technological wonders that surround them. One of these is the ancient technology of iron smelting...

National Museum of Tatarstan (RU)

Member of EXARC

The National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan is one of the oldest museums in Russia, representing the biggest reserve of the cultural monuments of Tatarstan and Russia's peoples as well as the other world civilisations. The Museum is located in the former Gostinyi dvor, built at the beginning of the XIX century, the historical and cultural monument of the federal importance (note: "Gostinyi dvor" is a historic Russian term for an indoor market, or shopping centre). At the present time the collection of the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan features more than 910.000 objects representing history, culture and traditions of the peoples of the Volga Region, Russia, Western and Eastern world cultures.

The National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan is one of the oldest museums in Russia, representing the biggest reserve of the cultural monuments of Tatarstan and Russia's peoples as well as the other world civilisations...