Late Middle Ages

Bachritterburg Kanzach (DE)

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Kanzach is a small village north of the Federsee in Southern Germany, counting about 500 inhabitants. In the years 2000-2004, a LEADER+ EU project was taking place here, resulting in a tourist attraction at the country side: a reconstruction of a small stronghold of the lower nobility as it could have been in the 14th century.

The village’s own original “Bachritterburg” has not been excavated, therefore, main sources came from the region. It has cost about 2 million Euro to build the wooden tower and adjacent buildings, but the museum has attracted many more visitors than planned. However, getting the finances for...

Archeon (NL)

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After 15 years of preparation, 1994 the first Dutch archaeological theme park opened in Alphen aan den Rijn, not far from The Hague, Utrecht and Amsterdam, an area which houses 6 million inhabitants. Archeon covers 10,000 years of human development in the Netherlands. From hunter-gatherers in the Stone Age and farmers in the Bronze and Iron Ages, through the Roman period and right up to everyday life in 1340 AD, “Archaeo-interpreters” show what life was like in “their time” in the 43 reconstructed buildings

Founded in 1994, Archeon covers 10,000 years of human development in the Netherlands. From hunter-gatherers in the Stone Age and farmers in the Bronze and Iron Ages, through the Roman period and right up to everyday life in 1340 AD, “Archaeo-interpreters” show what life was...

Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (DE)

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Southeast of Bielefeld near the Teutoburger Forrest, one finds the Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (AFM), originally founded by the “Reichsverband für Deutsche Vorgeschichte” as a political presentation of the Germanic people. The combination of man, nature and technique is made tangible and understandable here.

Southeast of Bielefeld near the Teutoburger Forrest, one finds the Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (AFM), originally founded by the “Reichsverband für Deutsche Vorgeschichte” as a political presentation of...

Jørundgard (NO)

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In 1991, a project group was organised to work on preparing offers in Nord-Sel in association with Kristin Lavransdatter and Sigrid Undset. At the same time, work was begun to make a film of the novel “The Bridal Wreath”. The film crew was looking for a suitable place for the outdoor scenes and they wanted to build a real farm, not just a prop farm that would be torn down after the last scene was shot.

In 1991, a project group was organised to work on preparing offers in Nord-Sel in association with Kristin Lavransdatter and Sigrid Undset. At the same time, work was begun to make a film of the novel “The Bridal Wreath”...

Fränkisches Freilandmuseum Bad Windsheim (DE)

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The Fränkische Freilandmuseum Bad Windsheim exists since about 1979 and counts 45 hectares. There are about 100 original buildings on site in this ethnographic open air museum. The museum is known for its demonstrations of crafts like making furniture or wooden buildings, working stone, glass or forging iron. Passion plays are performed as well.

The Fränkische Freilandmuseum Bad Windsheim exists since about 1979 and counts 45 hectares. There are about 100 original buildings on site in this ethnographic open air museum. The museum is known for its demonstrations of crafts like making furniture or wooden buildings, working stone, glass or forging iron...

Mittelalterliche Bergstadt Bleiberg (DE)

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In the 1970s, Dr. Schwabenicki was searching for a Slawic fortified settlement (the nearby city is called Sachsenburg) but found a Medieval mountain village instead: Bergstadt Blyberge (Bleiberg).

In the 1970s, Dr. Schwabenicki was searching for a Slawic fortified settlement (the nearby city is called Sachsenburg) but found a Medieval mountain village instead: Bergstadt Blyberge (Bleiberg)...

La Maisnie Joulain (FR)

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Following the growing threat of invasions of their territories by the Vikings for example, the lords of the Middle Ages felt the need to protect themselves effectively. For this they have built castles. But long before the massive stone castles that we all know, smaller castles were made of wood and earth. These strongholds of the millennium are commonly called motte castles.

Following the growing threat of invasions of their territories by the Vikings for example, the lords of the Middle Ages felt the need to protect themselves effectively. For this they have built castles. But long before the massive stone castles that we all know, smaller castles were made of wood and earth...

Chiltern Open Air Museum (UK)

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Vernacular buildings - the houses and workplaces of past generations - are disappearing every day from the landscape. In the Chilterns, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty on London's doorstep, the pressures are particularly great. Chiltern Open Air Museum preserves and interprets the built heritage of the Chilterns that would otherwise be lost.

Vernacular buildings - the houses and workplaces of past generations - are disappearing every day from the landscape. In the Chilterns, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty on London's doorstep, the pressures are particularly great. Chiltern Open Air Museum preserves and interprets the built heritage of the Chilterns that would otherwise be lost...

Slawenburg Raddusch (DE)

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The idea for the „Slawenburg Raddusch” with the exhibition about archaeology in the area of lignite mining in Lower Lusatia was suggested by the Landesamt für Bodendenkmalpflege und Archäologischem Landesmuseum (BLDAM) itself.

The idea for the „Slawenburg Raddusch” with the exhibition about archaeology in the area of lignite mining in Lower Lusatia was suggested by the Landesamt für Bodendenkmalpflege und Archäologischem Landesmuseum (BLDAM) itself...