
Living Museum of the Mafwe (NA)

Member of EXARC

The Living Museum offers visitors an interesting insight into the life of the Mafwe. The Living Museum is an authentic open-air museum where guests can learn a lot about the traditional culture and the original way of living of the Mafwe.

They demonstrate and describe everything with great dedication and the guide translates into english. Almost every offered program is interactive, because it is also great fun for them when the visitors try to weave a traditional net or taste some of the offered meals.

The museum is member of the Museums Association of Namibia; the LCFN is member of EXARC.

Living Museum of the Ju/‘Hoansi - Grashoek (NA)

Member of EXARC

The Living Museum of the Ju/'Hoansi-San gives visitors an interesting insight into the life of the San. The Living Museum is an authentic open-air museum where guests can learn a lot about the traditional culture and the original way of living of the San.

The Ju/'Hoansi demonstrate and describe everything with great dedication and the guide translates into english. Almost every offered program is interactive, because it is also great fun for the Ju/'Hoansi when the visitors try to shoot an arrow, experience the special Ju/'Hoansi rope skipping or try to sing an original song.

The museum is member of the Museums Association of Namibia; the LCFN is member of EXARC.

Stone Age Festival

Organised by
Organised by
the Athra Group

Come to the Stone Age Festival with the Nordic pioneers!

Experts in flint knapping, leather tanning or bone tool making. It's not something you see every day, but nevertheless, it's what you can experience when reconstruction agencies and craftspeople with a passion for the hunter Stone Age from all corners of Europe meet to the Sagnlandets Stone Age Festival 'Athra Gathering'.

Ian Dennis

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
dennisit [at]
United Kingdom
Crafts & Skills

Started experimental work in 2006, researching the antler combs from the Norse site on Bornais, South Uist, Scotland.

Claudia Speciale PhD

Member of EXARC since
E-mail address
claudiaspeciale [at]
Crafts & Skills

I am a Italian prehistoric archaeologist and I approached to Experimental Archaeology since about 2012, developing a hut rebuilding project in Tornambé (Enna, Sicily). I am interested in building reconstructions, daub, traditional use of vegetal materials, theory and experimental protocols.

Museum Burghalde Lenzburg (CH)

Member of EXARC

Museum Burghalde offers open and creative access to 15,000 years of history and culture. We collect and preserve stories, cultural treasures and memories, maintain and combine them, and make them accessible to a broad public in exhibitions, events and workshops.

Museum Burghalde offers open and creative access to 15,000 years of history and culture. We collect and preserve stories, cultural treasures and memories, maintain and combine them, and make them accessible to a broad public in exhibitions, events and workshops...

Irish National Heritage Park (INHP) (IE)

Member of EXARC

Near the town of Wexford at Ferrycarig, the 35 acres large Irish National Heritage Park (Pairc Naisiunta Oidhreacht na hEireann) depicts several periods and sites, important to Irish Past, going back a total of 9,000 years.

Near the town of Wexford at Ferrycarig, the 35 acres large Irish National Heritage Park (Pairc Naisiunta Oidhreacht na hEireann) depicts several periods and sites, important to Irish Past, going back a total of 9,000 years...

Book Review: Glossary of Prehistoric and Historic Timber Buildings by Lutz Volmer and W. Haio Zimmermann (ed.)

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
The 1987 conference in Århus, Denmark on ESF Workshop on the reconstruction of wooden buildings from the prehistoric and early historic period has been important to EXARC as we have acquired, and are gradually publishing, the manuscripts of the unpublished proceedings....