
Book Review: Designing Experimental Research in Archaeology by Jeffrey R. Ferguson (ed)

Tine Schenck (NO)

Designing Experimental Research in Archaeology is a recently published guide to planning and conducting archaeological experiments. Edited by Jeffrey R. Ferguson, a research assistant professor at the archaeometry laboratory at the University of Colorado, the book aims to guide researchers through methodology and experiment design...

Conference Review: The 1st Annual Seminar of Experimental Archaeology in Norway

Tine Schenck (NO)

Recent years have shown an upsurge of activities related to experimental archaeology in Norway. The time was therefore ripe to arrange a meeting (7 May 2011) and there was talk of forming a formal network for experimental archaeology in Norway. The previous meeting of the sort was in 2005, and the idea of a seminar was well received...

Grundtvig, Life Long Learning in Archaeological Open-Air Museums

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)

In November 2009, the idea for launching a network on adult education in EXARC was picked up. The first step was a preparation meeting in Oerlinghausen, Germany where we met with about 20 EXARC members from almost all corners of Europe. By mid 2010, 15 organisations, including EXARC itself joined in two so called Grundtvig Learning Partnerships, funded by the European Union...

Museu de Prehistòria de València (ES)

Member of EXARC

The Museu de Prehistòria de València is a scientific institution dedicated to preserving, researching and disseminating the archaeological prehistoric heritage of the province of Valencia. It is a cultural resource of the Valencian society in so far it preserves his heritage; it contributes to the enhancement of its cultural level and its integral development.

The Museu de Prehistòria de València is a scientific institution dedicated to preserving, researching and disseminating the archaeological prehistoric heritage of the province of Valencia. It is a cultural resource of the Valencian society in so far it preserves his heritage...

Experimenta (ES)

The association “Experimenta” (Asociación Española de Arqueología Experimental) develops several experimental archaeology activities inside Spain. We started in 2006. The association includes scientific and private institutions that are involve in these methodologies.

The association “Experimenta” (Asociación Española de Arqueología Experimental) develops several experimental archaeology activities inside Spain. We started in 2006. The association includes scientific and private institutions that are involve in these methodologies...