
Arqueopinto (ES)

Member of EXARC

Arqueopinto is an area of two hectares of land located south of the city of Madrid. It is municipally owned and managed by the Paleorama Company. Visitors come from all over Spain, though mainly from the central area. It has a clear school and family vocation although there are also courses for adults on prehistoric technology (ceramic, lithic knapping, basketry, etc.).

Arqueopinto is an area of two hectares of land located south of the city of Madrid. It is municipally owned and managed by the Paleorama Company. Visitors come from all over Spain, though mainly from the central area. ...

Public Outreach in the Drents Museum in Assen (NL)

Blue van der Zwan-Deen (NL)
Part of my job as museum teacher at the Drents Museum in Assen is attending to the all the groups that visit our museum. This includes the great number of children, both elementary school and high school students, that visit our museum. A lot of children think of a museum as a boring place where there is nothing to do but look at old paintings...

Archaeological Open-Air Museums in the Netherlands, a Bit of History

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
This article is a result of my interest in, and experience with, archaeological open-air museums. With the start of HOME Eindhoven in 1982, I became actively involved in these museums and I was one of the people involved from the first moment in EXARC. From 2005 onward, I have been conducting postgraduate research at the University of Exeter into archaeological open-air museums...

Conference Review: III Congrès Internacional d’Arqueologia Experimental

Sara Graziano (IT)
From 17 - 19 October 2011 in Banyoles, Spain, the third international congress of experimental archeology took place, organized by the Asociacion Experimenta. Banyoles 2011 was a very intense conference, with over 50 speakers in three days, the quality of presentations was particularly high, as well as the presence of young, skilled and passionate researchers...

Ancient Technology Centre (ATC) (UK)

Member of EXARC

The Goal of the Ancient Technology Centre is to engage people of all ages in the daily life of our ancestors and to increase their understanding of the skills, resources and strategies available to them.

The Goal of the Ancient Technology Centre is to engage people of all ages in the daily life of our ancestors and to increase their understanding of the skills, resources and strategies available to them...

Probable Measure Estimating Tool Employed by the Aeneolithic Potters

Eva Lamina (US)
The article proposes that an item, ornamented with a geometric pattern with inscribed diagonal cross and attributed to the Afanasievo culture (Aeneolithic, South Siberia), represents a primitive tool reflecting practical knowledge of basic geometry by the ancient potters. The article suggests an experimental reconstruction method for crafting the proposed instrument, and...