Newer Era

Dejima (JP)

Member of EXARC

Dejima is an artificial island constructed by Nagasaki merchants until 1636 under Japan's feudal government (Tokugawa government) to continue the trade with the West while banning Christianity.

The area of Dejima, a fan-shaped island, is about fifteen thousand (15,000) square meters. In 1641, the Dutch moved in from Hirado to Dejima. Exchange between Nagasaki and the Dutch flourished after that, including trade, diplomatic relations, culture and study...

Symposium Experimental Music Archaeology

Organised by
The Study Group on Music Archaeology of the ICTM
The International Study Group on Music Archaeology (ISgMA)

Music-archaeological studies often draw to a large extent on experimental activities, which are more and more reflected in the scientific discourse, as the subject evolves. This symposium acknowledges current trends in the experimental reconstruction and making of ancient musical instruments, and in experimental playing.

Batavialand Heritage Park of the Low Lands (NL)

Member of EXARC

Batavialand is both an indoor museum and a historical shipyard. Here you can see how ships are built and conserved, visit the reconstruction of the 17th century VOC ship the Batavia and find out more about the Dutch role in water management worldwide. There is special attention for the province Flevoland (which includes 450 shipwrecks) and the Zuiderzeeproject.

Batavialand is both an indoor museum and a historical shipyard. Here you can see how ships are built and conserved, visit the reconstruction of the 17th century VOC ship the Batavia and find out more about the Dutch role in water management worldwide...

ISBSA 15 - International Symposium on Boat & Ship Archaeology

Organised by

The purpose of ISBSA is to bring together all those involved in the study of the form, structure, function, and operational performance of ancient boats. The first symposium examined the methodological problems of studying boat remains. Many of the topics addressed at that initial meeting, such as experimental archaeology and ethnography.

University of the Witwatersrand (ZA)

Member of EXARC

The School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies is one of the leaders in African rock art studies, Palaeoarchaeology, the Stone Age, pre-colonial farming and herding societies and the formation of modern cultural identities in the last five hundred years.

The School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies is one of the leaders in African rock art studies, Palaeoarchaeology, the Stone Age, pre-colonial farming and herding societies and the formation of modern cultural identities in the last five hundred years.

All-times Chrismas Market


There are many Christmas markets in Denmark, but one of the nicest is the All Times' Christmas Market at the Middelaldercentret in Nykøbing F, south of Copenhagen.
The medieval houses are decorated with spruce, hearts and light and in the booths you can buy everything the heart desires.

EXAR Tagung experimentelle Archäologie in Europa

Organised by

This annual conference of the European Association for the advancement of archaeology by experiment EXAR takes place at the Archäologisches Landesmuseum Brandenburg (Paulikloster) in Brandenburg an der Havel (Germany). For this conference we ask for presentations.