Newer Era


Organised by

Frustration. Uncertainty. Anger. Heartache. 2020 has given us much. We’ve also been harshly reminded that climate change is upon us, that politicians equivocate, that people have opinions, and that murder hornets are a thing. Our industry has been hit particularly hard. Many of us have been let go.

Fous d’Histoire Niort

Organised by
Association pour l'Histoire Vivante

More than 30 professional and amateur companies of historical spectacles take part, divided into several categories: music, dance and song; theater and street performance; animal training and show; crafts and demonstrations; military art; various activities and services; technique and accessories; living history sites.

EXARC Beer Brewing Chat

Organised by
the Netherlands

For historical-archaeological brewers, we gather for our monthly chat. It is open access and will include links and discussion about craft brewing - you decide what will be on the table! The chat starts at 15:00h CET (Amsterdam time) and may take about 1.5 hours.

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (BR)

Member of EXARC

Grupo de Estudos do Simbólico e Técnico da Olaria (Pottery Symbolic and Technical Study Group, (GESTO) is an active group in the area of Minas Gerais, Brazil, which focuses on practicing South American pottery techniques through experimental archaeology.

Their main focus is to spread archaeological knowledge, in particular the reproduction of all stages of traditional Amerindian pottery techniques, from the collection of raw materials to the reproduction of objects and the baking with wood fires. The group was born out of the great interest that students of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais had for experimental techniques of pottery reproduction. Now led by Prof.

National Institute of Advanced Studies (IN)

Member of EXARC

National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) is a premier institute in India engaged in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in natural sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities. 

It was founded by J. R. D Tata for providing an avenue for administrators, managers and social leaders for interaction and exchange of information with notable academics in the areas of science, arts and humanities. With these objectives, the institute conducts multi-level research programmes and mentors talented doctoral students. The institution, based in Bengaluru, in the south Indian state of Karnataka, started functioning on 20 June 1988 with Dr. Raja Ramanna as its founder director.

Theme weekend: Art through the Millennia


From Cave Painting to Graffiti

What does cave painting have in common with modern graffiti pictures in public spaces? What methods and materials did the ice age artists use? Why were the pictures created then and are they created today? Try to create your own picture with earth colors and the simplest tools!