Newest Era

University of Exeter, Department of Archaeology (UK)

Member of EXARC

Exeter is a top UK university which combines world leading research with very high levels of student satisfaction. It is one of the UK’s most popular and successful universities with campuses in Exeter, Devon, and near Falmouth in Cornwall. The University also has Project Offices in Shanghai, Beijing and Bangalore.

Exeter is a top UK university which combines world leading research with very high levels of student satisfaction. It is one of the UK’s most popular and successful universities with campuses in Exeter, Devon, and near Falmouth in Cornwall...

Book Review: The Archaeology of Time Travel by Anders Ödman (ed)

Tine Schenck (NO)

At the European Association of Archaeologists' meeting in Malta, September 2008, a session was held on the topic of Archaeology as Time Travel, dedicated to exploring the popular phenomenon of time travel to past times, including a variety of aspects related to materiality/virtuality, the market of time travel experiences, design issues and how time travel should be evaluated as an experience...

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie. Eine Gratwanderung zwischen Wissenschaft und Kommerz by Dirk Vorlauf

Wulf Hein (DE)
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***The name Dirk Vorlauf is closely connected to the history of experimental archaeology in Germany. From the late1980s, the Vorlauf has conducted several experiments testing archaeological hypotheses, and he is critically involved in methodology and theory...

The Theory of the Archaeological Raft: Motivation, Method, and Madness in Experimental Archaeology

P.J. Capelotti (US)

Between 1947 and 2006, nearly forty expeditions set out in recreated maritime drift vessels to demonstrate hypotheses with varying levels of relevance to archaeology and cultural diffusion. This paper divides the motivations of these expeditions into four major categories...