Viking Age

Conference Session: Archaeological Landscapes in the Museum

Organised by
Nordwestdeutscher Verband fuer Altertumsforschung e.V. (DE)
Archäologisches Landesamt Schleswig-Holstein (ALSH), Schleswig (DE)

The 83rd conference of the Northwest German Association for Archaeological Research will take place in Heide, Holstein (DE). One of their sessions is particularly interesting: the meeting of the workgroup „archaeological museums” of the German Museum Association. This conference will be in German. 

Viking Market Lejre - Law & Council at the Ravnebjerg Ting

Organised by

The Viking age summer markets were full of life when dealing with large and small items - from the Norwegian quarry to Afghan carnelian beads. But trading places were also a concentration of values ​​and therefore interesting for robbers. The king's men put an end to this - the merchants paid treasure to the king and the king's men made sure of the market and the free trade.

Slav Days


The Slavic Days are not just any medieval market: every July warriors, traders and artisans from all over Europe meet and resurrect the 9th and 10th centuries in all their facets in the Oldenburg Wall Museum.

Conference Review: European Textile Forum 2017

Heather Hopkins (UK)
The eighth European Textile Forum took place 6-12th November 2017, organised by Katrin Kania and Sabine Ringenberg. It was held at its adopted home LEA (Labor für Expermentelle Archäologie) in Mayen, Germany, a satellite of the RGZM (Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum) at Mainz, by invitation of LEA director Michael Herdick...

Summer School for Ancient Building Techniques 2018

Organised by
Rouge Muinastalu (EE)

Ancient building techniques will be practiced by continuing the construction of a log house that was started in 2017. The main focus will be on the upper part of the walls and the roof. Additionally, logs will be barked, a doorway will be cut into the walls, and several doors will be built to the already existing buildings such as the smithy and the barn.