© EXARC, 2007
ISBN 13: 978-90-78657-01-9
Size: A4, 72 pages
The year 2007 was a year of changes for EuroREA. Responsibility for its publishing moved from the Czech Republic, where it was founded by the indefatigable Dr Tichý, to EXARC. The editors hope that this change will give the journal a further chance to grow and reach the wide European audience.
To present to our readers the wide range of activities connected to centres of experimental archaeology and archaeological open-air museums it was decided to shorten for print some of the specialised scientific articles. Full versions are available on our website.
We would like to introduce to our readers at least some of the high quality projects and research aiming to raise historical awareness. Among them belongs a 3 year project liveARCH, a project common to eight members of EXARC, concentrating on the presentation of archaeological findings.
For a different point of view, Catalonian Clara Masriera’s PhD research looked into the public value of visits to archaeological sites in comparison to visits to archaeological open-air centres.
In the fourth issue (all articles are available as PDF):
Reconstructing the Roman and Celtic Dress of Aquincum (PDF) plus Catalogue (PDF)
STUDIES - Annamária Szu, Ildikó Oka, Orsolya Madarassy (HU)
Bone and Antler (PDF) plus Long version (PDF)
Softening techniques in prehistory of the North Eastern part of the Polish Lowlands in the light of experimental archaeology and micro trace analysis.
STUDIES - Grzegorz Osipowicz (PL)
The weaving of a tapestry with Migration Period elements at Eketorp Fort, Sweden (PDF)
ITEMS - Kateřina Brůnová and Jan Rodina (CZ), Jan Olofsson (SE)
Celtic house reconstructions on the Burgberg in Schwarzenbach (PDF)
An new archaeological open air park of the Iron Age
ITEMS - Wolfgang Lobisser (AU)
Excavation to Exhibition (PDF)
Interpreting Archaeology to the Public in Scotland and Europe
REPORTS - Barrie Andrian, Nicholas Dixon (SC)
Presenting archaeological heritage to the public: ruins versus reconstructions (PDF)
DISCUSSION - Clara Masriera i Esquerra (ES)
Historical awareness: the role of archaeological open air museums (PDF)
DISCUSSION - W. G. van der Weiden (NL)
The Folk High School of Bäckedal: Education in Ancient Techniques (PDF)
EDUCATION - KG Lindblad, Aja Pettersson and Ellinor Sydberg (SE)
Standards for presentation of field data (PDF)
ITEMS - Holger Schmidt (DK)
On the Reconstruction of aisled Prehistoric houses from an Engineering Point of View (PDF)
ITEMS - Jochen Komber (NO)
La broche à rôtir articulée de Port-Sainte-Foy (PDF) plus Long version (PDF)
Fabrication et utilisation expérimentales
ITEMS - Louis Baumans (BE), Christian Chevillot (FR)
Heritage in the classroom (PDF)
REVIEWS - Suzanne van den Berg (NL)
Casting Experiments and Microstructure of Archaeologically Relevant Bronzes (PDF)
REVIEWS - Julia Wiecken (UK)
The archaeology of Alderley edge (PDF)
REVIEWS - Hywel Keen (UK)
Hallstatt Textiles: Technical Analysis, Scientific Investigation and Experiment on Iron Age Textiles (PDF)
REVIEWS - Toon Reurink (NL)