
"But if you don't get any IRON..." Towards an Effective Method for Small Iron Smelting Furnaces

Darrell Markewitz (CA)

Building and operating a small bloomery iron furnace is certainly a wonderful public demonstration for any museum or living history site. It is however a complex technical process, with many individual factors combining for success. Over the last decade in North America, small teams of blacksmiths have developed predictable working methods through trial and much error. This direct practical experience can provide some insights into questions that even the best researched theories may not be able to solve.

Amgueddfa Cymru – St Fagans National History Museum (UK)

Member of EXARC

Located in the suburb of St Fagans to the North West of Cardiff, the museum was created in 1946 in the grounds of St Fagans Castle at an area of 100 hectares. Besides dozens of ethnographic (original) buildings, moved to the site, the museum has a reconstructed manor house in Elizabethan style and three Iron Age like roundhouses. St Fagans is one of Europe's leading open-air museums and has been voted the UK’s favourite tourist attraction.

Located to the northwest of Cardiff, the museum was created in 1946 in the grounds of St Fagans Castle. It features dozens of reconstructed buildings, brought from across Wales, and three Iron Age roundhouses based on...

Archeon (NL)

Member of EXARC

After 15 years of preparation, 1994 the first Dutch archaeological theme park opened in Alphen aan den Rijn, not far from The Hague, Utrecht and Amsterdam, an area which houses 6 million inhabitants. Archeon covers 10,000 years of human development in the Netherlands. From hunter-gatherers in the Stone Age and farmers in the Bronze and Iron Ages, through the Roman period and right up to everyday life in 1340 AD, “Archaeo-interpreters” show what life was like in “their time” in the 43 reconstructed buildings

Founded in 1994, Archeon covers 10,000 years of human development in the Netherlands. From hunter-gatherers in the Stone Age and farmers in the Bronze and Iron Ages, through the Roman period and right up to everyday life in 1340 AD, “Archaeo-interpreters” show what life was...