
Conference Review: Was it all worth it? Archaeological Reconstructions Between Science and Event

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
On the 3 February 1990, as the Iron Curtain dropped and the border between Bavaria and Bohemia opened, three archaeologists from both countries met. One year later they managed to get 27 participants together and soon the archaeological working group East Bavaria, West- and South Bohemia (and latter also Upper Austria) was a fact.


A survey or critical examination of a subject or past event.
Definition source: Chambers 21st Century Dictionary

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Bilanz 2014

Christian Horn (DE)
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***Volume number 13 of the periodical Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa. Bilanz contains 215 pages with 18 different articles on a wide variety of subjects. The contributions are presented in four sections: Experiment and Test, Reconstruction Archaeology, Theory and Emanation’, and Short reports...

Conference Review: Managing Archaeological Open-Air Museums: Current Issues, Future Trends

Roeland Paardekooper (NL)
OpenArch: In late May 2015, St Fagans National History Museum in Wales organized a three day meeting in and around Cardiff for OpenArch. This is a European Culture Project with 11 partners that work to improve archaeological open-air museums. The first day of the meeting was a conference on issues and trends in archaeological open-air museums...

Event Review: “Living in the Neolithic” – Impressions from the Experimental Archaeology Days of the University of Hamburg in Albersdorf in Summer 2014

Tosca Friedrich and
Birte Meller (DE)
OpenArch Dialogue with Skills Issue
***During the summer of 2014 more than 30 students from the Archaeological Institute of the University of Hamburg and four children participated in the practical archaeology week at the Stone Age Village in the Stone Age Park in Albersdorf...

Conference Review: 9th Experimental Archaeology Conference, Dublin 2015

Katy Whitaker (UK)
EAC Conferences
***The ninth Experimental Archaeology Conference was held over 16-18 January 2015 at University College Dublin (Ireland). A large gathering of nearly 200 delegates from more than 25 countries across the EU and the Americas was hosted by UCD School of Archaeology and the Irish National Heritage Park. Twenty papers and 26 posters...

Book Review: Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa, Bilanz 2012

Thijs Hofland (NL)
Annual Proceedings of the EXAR Tagung
***According to James Mathieu in 2002, experimental archaeology is “A subfield of archaeological research which employs a number of different methods, techniques, analyses and approaches within the context of a controllable imitative experiment to replicate past phenomena...

Book Review: Performing Heritage: Research, Practice and Innovation in Museum Theatre and Live Interpretation by Anthony Jackson & Jenny Kidd (eds)

Kirsty Sullivan (UK)
This useful text brings together recent thinking about museum theatre and the performance of heritage, offering a range of international case studies to its readers as evidence of the discipline’s usefulness in interpreting the past for visitors...

Conference Review: OpenArch, The Value and Scale of the Experimental Archaeology Approach, Kierikki Stone Age Centre (FI), June 2014

Leena Lehtinen (FI)
The VII OpenArch Conference took place from 11 to 15 June 2014 at Kierikki Stone Age Centre, 50 kilometres northeast of Oulu in Northern Finland. The conference was jointly organised by Kierikki and the University of Exeter, which are in charge of Working Package 5, “Dialogue with Science”...