

The art of making or shaping something from wood, carpentry.
Definition source: Chambers 21st Century Dictionary

Parco Archeologico e Museo all’Aperto della Terramara di Montale (IT)

Member of EXARC

The terramara of Montale, near Modena in Northern Italy, is a typical Bronze Age settlement with pile dwellings surrounded by a ditch with water and imposing earthwork fortifications.
Next to the site is an Open-Air Museum with life-size reconstructions of two houses furnished with replicas of the original finds dating back 3500 years.

The terramara of Montale is a typical Bronze Age settlement with pile dwellings surrounded by a ditch with water and imposing earthwork fortifications. Next to the site is an Open-Air Museum with life-size reconstructions of...

The Scientific Basis for the Reconstruction of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Houses

Peter J. Reynolds (UK)

In 1966 just outside the boundary of a hill fort known as Kemerton Camp on top of Bredon Hill (Hencken 1939) in Worcestershire a small roundhouse was reconstructed, based upon the excavations carried out at Glastonbury Lake Village some fifty years before (Reynolds 1967a, Bullied and Grey 1911). A group of students under the guidance of Mr. Philip Barker of Birmingham University, carrying out a routine site visit, were deeply impressed to come across the three dimensional reality of something which had been previously discussed in vacuo.