
Ekehagen Forntidsby (SE)

Member of EXARC

Ekehagen´s Prehistoric Village lies nearby the river Ätran in a beautiful countryside with birches and oak trees, approximately twelve miles, 20 kilometres, south of Falköping in the province of Västergötland. It is an archaeological open-air museum with presentations from various prehistoric periods.

Ekehagen´s Prehistoric Village lies nearby the river Ätran in a beautiful countryside with birches and oak trees, approximately twelve miles, 20 kilometres, south of Falköping in the province of Västergötland. It is an archaeological open-air museum with presentations from various prehistoric periods...

Vikingabyn Storholmen Norden (SE)

Member of EXARC

In 1996, two enthusiasts got the initiative to start a Viking village at the site where previously 199 Iron Age / Viking Age (800-1000 AD) burial mounds were discovered. They soon started cooperation with two local association: the “Aquila Maritimus forn- och medeltidsförening” and the “Roslagens turistintressenter”.

In 1996, two enthusiasts got the initiative to start a Viking village at the site where previously 199 Iron Age / Viking Age (800-1000 AD) burial mounds were discovered. They soon started cooperation with two local association: the “Aquila Maritimus forn- och medeltidsförening” and the “Roslagens turistintressenter”...

Geschichtspark Bärnau-Tachov (DE)

Member of EXARC

In Bärnau (Bavaria), this park depicts everyday life in this part of Germany from the 8th to 13th century. The non-profit association Via Carolina – Goldene Straße e.V. is responsible for the park, helped by an advisory committee of scientific consultants advising both on the houses and the way life is depicted here.

In Bärnau (Bavaria), this park depicts everyday life in this part of Germany from the 8th to 13th century. The non-profit association Via Carolina – Goldene Straße e.V. is responsible for the park, helped by an advisory committee of scientific consultants advising both...

Veien Kulturminnepark (NO)

Member of EXARC

Veien Kulturminnepark contains one of Eastern Norway’s largest burial grounds from the Early Iron Age, a reconstructed longhouse and a modern museum. Excavations uncovered traces of four longhouses dated to the Early Iron Age.

Veien Kulturminnepark contains one of Eastern Norway’s largest burial grounds from the Early Iron Age, a reconstructed longhouse and a modern museum. Excavations uncovered traces of four longhouses dated to the Early Iron Age...

Ancient Technology Centre (ATC) (UK)

Member of EXARC

The Goal of the Ancient Technology Centre is to engage people of all ages in the daily life of our ancestors and to increase their understanding of the skills, resources and strategies available to them.

The Goal of the Ancient Technology Centre is to engage people of all ages in the daily life of our ancestors and to increase their understanding of the skills, resources and strategies available to them...

Museu de Prehistòria de València (ES)

Member of EXARC

The Museu de Prehistòria de València is a scientific institution dedicated to preserving, researching and disseminating the archaeological prehistoric heritage of the province of Valencia. It is a cultural resource of the Valencian society in so far it preserves his heritage; it contributes to the enhancement of its cultural level and its integral development.

The Museu de Prehistòria de València is a scientific institution dedicated to preserving, researching and disseminating the archaeological prehistoric heritage of the province of Valencia. It is a cultural resource of the Valencian society in so far it preserves his heritage...

Parco Archeologico Villaggio Neolitico di Travo (IT)

Member of EXARC

Travo’s Park, with its Neolithic archaeological site and full-scale reconstructed prehistoric dwellings, lies in the beautiful scenario of the Trebbia Valley, testifying to how this corner of northern Italy connecting Piacenza to Genoa has been continuously populated from the 5th millennium to present.

Travo’s Park, with its Neolithic archaeological site and full-scale reconstructed prehistoric dwellings, lies in the beautiful scenario of the Trebbia Valley, testifying to how this corner of northern Italy connecting Piacenza to...

Csiki Pihenokert, Csiki Garden (HU)

Member of EXARC

The “Csiki Garden” is a Medieval eco-archaeological park and Summer camp (in Hungarian: Csiki Pihenőkert, Árpád-kori régészeti park, erdei-iskola és nyári tabor) coordinated by the Régiségbúvár Egyesület (Antiques-research Association). The goals are to present Hungarian medieval life and history (buildings, agriculture, craftsmanship, foods, arms, costumes, et cetera) as well as teaching the children in schools and in Summer camps.

The “Csiki Garden” is a Medieval eco-archaeological park and Summer camp coordinated by the Régiségbúvár Egyesület. The goals are to present Hungarian medieval life and history (buildings, agriculture, craftsmanship, foods, arms, costumes, et cetera) as well as...

Geschichtserlebnisraum Roter Hahn (DE)

Member of EXARC

The “Geschichtserlebnisraum Lübeck, Bauspielplatz Roter Hahn e.V.” started as an adventure playground in 1999. The aim is to use the site for open youth work (including non-historical activities), offering historical education. The focus is on the easy approach for children and adolescents to all of our activities.

The “Geschichtserlebnisraum Lübeck, Bauspielplatz Roter Hahn e.V.” started as an adventure playground in 1999. The aim is to use the site for open youth work (including non-historical activities), offering historical education...

Genesmons Arkeologiska Friluftsmuseum (SE)

Member of EXARC

At Genesmon, the University of Umeå conducted archaeological research from 1977 to 1988. Here burial mounds and a settlement of the Early Iron Age were uncovered. Traces of iron processing were recognised as well as bronze casting refuse - some containing remains from gilding - and a textile workshop.

At Genesmon, the University of Umeå conducted archaeological research from 1977 to 1988. Here burial mounds and a settlement of the Early Iron Age were uncovered. Traces of iron processing were recognised as well as bronze casting refuse - some containing remains from gilding - and a textile workshop...