Become a Member

Individual Members are any natural persons involved in one of the four themes of EXARC.

Please fill out the Registration Form for Individual Members.

After we have received your registration form, we will send you an invoice for the membership fee (email: PDF).


Institutional Members are legal persons: Archaeological Open-Air Museums, Universities, Living History Associations or any non-commercial institutions actively involved in and endorsing the objectives of EXARC.

Please fill out the Registration Form for Institutional Members.

After we have received your Registration Form, nearby members are informed about you wanting to become member. This is both meant as a good introduction as well as inquiring if there is a real and serious reason not to accept you – this hardly ever is the case. The opinion of the members as well as the information you gave is handed to the EXARC Board who decides.


All members need to pay the annual Membership fee which in 2021 is
For institutional members, the fee you pay is based on your annual budget (See Category A, B and C). 
For individual members:
Category 1 includes all individuals from countries where the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is above the EU average.
Category 2 includes people from countries where where the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) per capita is between the EU average and the World average as well as unwaged people (including retired people from Category 1) anywhere in the world.
If the PPP per capita in your country is below the World average you are in Category 3, you pay 10 EUR to be an EXARC member, but you will not receive an EXARC Journal Digest.

  Institutional  Members Individual Members
  Category A Category B Category C Category 1  Category 2  Category 3
Membership 2021  € 200  € 150  € 80  € 70  € 40 € 10
Membership 2022  € 250  € 150  € 90  € 70  € 40 € 10
Membership 2023  € 300  € 150  € 90  € 70  € 40 € 10
Institutional Members Category A: Budget > € 250.000 | Category B: Budget € 30.000‐250.000 | Category C: Budget < € 30.000
Individual Members Category 1: countries Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) > average EU | Category 2: countries Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) < average EU but above World average &Students/Unwaged/Retired | Category 3: countries Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) < World average

After paying the Membership fee you will get:

  • An internet presentation on
  • A list of addresses of all EXARC members
  • The EXARC Journal Digest of the current year (not Category 3)
  • A member’s pass with which you can visit other members’ places for free and identify yourself as member (not Category 3)
  • Institutional members also get a shield to place by the entrance, advertising that they are part of EXARC.

Once you are a Member:

  • Please send us recent documentation about your organisation and relevant activities, either as hard copy or digitally (preferred). This can for example be PR material or a public year report.
  • Please add a link to our website If you like, you can use our logo. Please check the Logo & Banners page.
  • Please see our Benefits. 
  • Obligations are:  
    Members are encouraged to attend EXARC meetings; 
    Members are supposed to inform EXARC on their doings, their actions, problems & successes; 
    EXARC collects some basic information about its members. 


Cancelling your Membership

The EXARC Charter states that: “Members are authorised to cancel their memberships in observance of a notice period of at least thirteen weeks prior to the end of the association year.”

Please note that this means that your EXARC membership is self-renewing and needs to be cancelled before 1 October if you intend to stop being member for the upcoming year. If you don't contact EXARC before that date, your membership will not lapse, but will automatically continue, and payment will be required. 

Please contact us if you wish to cancel your membership.

Note:  When membership is cancelled, one needs to return their EXARC member's card and member's shield (for institutional members) to EXARC and remove all EXARC logos from one's website, other communication platforms and communication tools like for example PR brochures.