European Archaeology Days

Save the date: On 18-20 June 2021 we will celebrate the European Archaeology Days (EAD), introduced on European scale in 2019, and here to stay! 

The EAD is a long weekend dedicated to archaeology in all its forms. We raise awareness and familiarise European audiences with all aspects of archaeology. A variety of events will be organised, aiming at engaging families, schools, students, history enthusiasts, museum visitors, as well as merely curious participants to discover this multifaceted discipline and their archaeological heritage. Despite the challenging times that Europe is going through in several levels there are still things that bring us together. Looking for a common ground, for cohesion and reciprocity, while all members preserve their cultural identity and diversity, the European Archaeology Days aim at sharing archaeological heritage throughout Europe and make culture accessible to all.
The EAD 2020 went digital in order to adapt to the COVID-19 crisis, introducing #archeorama and a vast program of virtual activities (live sessions, virtual tours, digital collections, games, videos and podcasts, ...). With nearly 1,000 initiatives and 28 European countries taking part in this experience, the 2020 edition was different...but successful!

EXARC is thrilled to participate again alongside many of our members. This is an opportunity for museums to excite their faithful public and expand their appeal to curious, yet hesitant, new visitors. It is also an opportunity to expand their practices, raise their ambitions and fulfil their purpose, knowing that they are part of a greater network. Archaeological open-air museums take part by introducing their own events for EAD, with individual members and associations present in museums or festivals throughout Europe. By participating in this European-wide event, EXARC members reach a larger audience and join fellow institutions in sharing the success.

Join this event and bring along your own exceptional sense of originality and innovation! Subscriptions on the official website open in February.


Join the European Archaeology Days 
The overall coordinator INRAP (National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research) supports all organisers who would like to join this event. Customisable posters, flyers and digital media are made available. The participants will also be identified by a specific label, while a European website ( hosts all events.

EXARC assists its members to include their events both on the European website and on the EXARC Calendar: We can support you with social media coverage and advertising and we are available to answer questions and guide you with suggestions that will make your EAD original and successful. Do not hesitate to contact the EXARC EAD coordinator Ms Papagiannaki at


About  the EAD (JNArchéo)
Established in France in 2008 and coordinated by INRAP (National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research), this event opened up to the European scale in 2019. The EAD aspires to become a European concept that benefits the general public, museums and culture.