Calendar of Events

Bow building Weekend - Apollo's Sons

Kind of Event

Bow making workshop for fathers and sons (from 9 to 13 years)

Apollo, god of archers, and Diana, goddess of hunting, are the patron saint of our adventurous weekends with bow making, games, campfires and more. A special opportunity to spend an intensive time together, to find out interesting facts about Roman archers and, of course, to become personally active. Each team uses simple means to produce a functional bow made of rattan, which is also tried out. 

The overnight stays in the straw warehouse in the historic buildings round off this special experience.


Friday, June 19, 16 am to Sunday, June 21, 2020, 14:00
250 € per father-son team (including admission, material nights in a castle, Catering. Twice each breakfast, lunch and dinner)
Please bring your own sleeping mat, sleeping bag and flashlight.
Registration required by May 11 at +49 (0) 6175 / 9374-0 or