Calendar of Events

Bronze casting workshop

Kind of Event
United Kingdom

Tutor James Clift  runs two types of bronze casting workshops. In the introduction to bronze casting you can make a replica of an ancient axe or ancient knife. The bronze sword blade workshop is for the casting of a replica bronze age sword. The workshops run separately, so will will be casting either a axe/knife, or a sword. They aren’t designed to run concurrently.

Above are examples of the reproduction bronze objects you can choose from: there are two types of Halstatt knife, two types of palstave axe head, a chalcolithic flat axe and Egyptian-type axe, as well as the Wilburton sword or Whittington sword. This is based on a British, Whitingham Northumberland late Bronze Age sword with integral cast handle and torque pommel. A similar sword was found at Must Farm, though without the torque pommel.

. For more information and detailed images of each, please enquire.