Calendar of Events

Children’s Festival


For the Children‘s Festival, the rebuilt city quarter of Carnuntum will turn into a fascinating theme park for young Romans. A great number of fun activities promise full immersion into the past.

The time travel commences directly upon arrival when kids can don fancy ancient-style clothes thus morphing into Romans themselves. In the kitchens of the reconstructed houses youngsters are invited to bake and taste Roman bread as well as desserts. Beauticians share interesting facts about ingredients and usage of perfumes and creams while fashion-conscious girls have the chance of booking appointments for chic Roman-style hairdos at the coiffeur’s.
Manual skills can be refined by weaving and felting as well as by tinkering shields and swords. Which natural healing methods were known in Roman times? Secrets of ancient medicine are revealed by the knowledgeable medicus in the herb garden. Add sack races, pantomime, role-playing, ancient fairy tales and much more to all of this and the event is bound to ensure a truly unforgettable day!

Photo: (c) RSC