Calendar of Events

EAD21 in Muzeum Archeologiczne w Biskupinie

Kind of Event

We will celebrate the European Days of Archeology, which are organized under the aegis of the French Ministry of Culture and coordinated by INRAP (Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives). In Poland, the event is under the patronage of the National Heritage Institute .

We are also joining the celebration and we have prepared something extraordinary for you - you will be able to visit our laboratories where we test and preserve the wood extracted during archaeological research. It will be possible on June 18-19 , daily for two groups - at 11.00 and 15.00 . Due to the characteristics of the visited rooms, groups are limited to 10 people each.

By opening the door to the monuments conservation studio, you  will be able to get to know and understand the process of  archaeological monuments after their recovery from the deposition site. An example in this particular case will be wood , which is one of the more complex and labor-intensive topics in the conservation of monuments.

All details and the program of the event are available in the regulations .