Calendar of Events

European Textile Forum 2021 - Sticks and Stones May Make a Loom

Kind of Event
Organised by
Katrin Kania

We're looking forward to our Textile Forum in just a few weeks - with a very exciting and varied programme. There are still some last spaces free. So you can still register. Please make sure not to check the "are you a spammer" box.  You should see a "thank you for registering" note after sending off the form - if not, your registration has not gone through (please email me in that case).

You can find the preliminary programme on our website - it does promise a week full of interesting weaving, including complex weaving on simple constructions. 

Those of you who already have registered should have received a newsletter with the first participant information. Again, if you did register and have not received that email, please get in touch.

If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to