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Experimental archaeology to ask about

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Experimental archaeology to ask about - Hamburg students live for a week in the Stone Age village

From July 28th, 2020 to July 31st, 2020 there will be a practical seminar of the Archaeological Institute of the University of Hamburg in the stone age village of the stone age park Dithmarschen in Albersdorf. The aim of the scientific seminar, headed by Tosca Friedrich and Birte Meller from the Archaeological Institute, is to introduce students to everyday objects and prehistoric handicrafts in their own experimental set-ups with their own projects.

The stone age houses reconstructed to their original scale in the stone age village offer an ideal place to fill them with life, furniture and tools. The templates for student experiments come from archaeological findings from the late Neolithic and early Bronze Age throughout Europe. For the "Experimental Week" with a focus on the prehistory of northern Germany, the approximately 20 students have divided into different projects; these include for example, the groups "Adhesive experiments with birch pitch", "Ceramics - making fruit peelings", "Stone Age textiles", "Everything about the needle (manufacture and use)", "Color pigments and application", "Antler processing", "Cooking experiments (in Ertebölle Pots) "" and "arrow construction - from pine wood" "and" manufacture of stone slingshots ". During the practical week, the students are available to answer questions, guide them to the projects in the open-air museum and offer a daily demonstration program for all age groups.

"After the end of our project week, the inhabited Stone Age houses will surely show many traces of use by the modern" Stone Age people ". They will then probably look like this, whether the residents only left once for a short time ... ", says Dr. Rüdiger Kelm, the manager of the Albersdorf Stone Age Park.

The "living" Stone Age village can be visited from July 28, 2020 to July 31, 2020 every day between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. The Hamburg students are then available for questions and explanations for all visitors.

For the press: A good opportunity for interviews and photos is on Wednesday, July 29th, 2020 between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Questions and further appointments please contact Tosca Friedrich directly at Tel. 0176-48191278 or Birte Meller at Tel. 0178-2891501.