Calendar of Events

Fotevikens Viking Market

Kind of Event
Market / Fair
Organised by

The Viking week culminates during the weekend with a full market programme. During these days Vikings from across the world will participate. As a visitor you may stroll around the Viking town and surroundings which is filled by activities and market stands. Here you may find items ranging from beautiful handmade jewellery to Viking Age style swords.

Why not take the opportunity to test your strength against the Vikings in competitions such as pole throwing, tug of war, the Viking race or codfish tossing?

One of the highlights of the market is the reenactment of the Battle of Foteviken, which takes place a number of times during the Saturday and Sunday, performed by visiting Viking warriors. The historic Battle of Foteviken took place on the 4th of June in the year 1134 AD. 

Families: 300:-

Viking Games Open 2021

According to tradition we arrange an exciting competition that is open for both Vikings and market visitors: VIKING GAMES OPEN 2021! Participants will compete in five different sports, putting their precision, balance and strength to the test. The first 3 competitions take place on Saturday, with the final two competitions on the Sunday along with the victory ceremony.