Calendar of Events

Heksia 2021 - the magical World of Witches and Pagans

Kind of Event
Market / Fair
the Netherlands

Witchcraft lives! Around the autumn equinox, on September 18th and 19th, you will be able to dive into the world of rituals and magic, in the preHistorisch Dorp. A diverse festival located in the heart of Noord Brabant, which is open for those who feel a connection with the rituals of the past as well as everyone who is curious about the magical world of witches and heathens.

Heksia in the preHistorisch Dorp

How were the major yearly festivals celebrated? Why were witches burned? Did you know that there are still witches amongst us and that they are united in covens?

Come see and wonder about the faith in gods and the world after death: the rituals, differences, and similarities. We will focus on both old and new witches, real witches, and witches from literature and film.

You will experience amongst other things:

  • Let yourself be weighed on the witches’ scales!
  • Rummage through real witchcraft trinkets and supplies at the market stalls.
  • Listen to spellbinding stories in the reading attic.
  • And much, much more ...

And in our inn Den Bonten Os, the most delicious potions and snacks will be brewing… onward to Heksia!

Due to the corona restrictions, Heksia will be somewhat different in 2021 than in previous years: there are a maximum number of tickets available. So only the quickest witches will be able to land their broomsticks in Eindhoven’s open-air museum!