Calendar of Events

Medicine and Medical Science in the Middle Ages

Kind of Event

In week 28, we focus on how people were treated for illness in the Middle Ages, and how they treated medical treatment.

Illness was due to imbalance in the body. The imbalance could be in the body, in the mind or in the universe. This imbalance had to be brought back on its feet.

Man consisted of 4 fluids: blood, mucus, black and yellow bile. There had to be a balance between these fluids in order to be healthy and well. The liquids possessed different properties and were cold, hot, dry or moist, respectively. Diseases or symptoms also possessed these cold, hot, dry and humid elements and therefore had to be treated with the opposite agent.

This week we get a visit from beard cutter Janus and his wife Malene. The beard cutter could perform small operations and vein people. The barber cutting profession developed over time into becoming the surgeons.

Janus will tell and showcase the barber's tools and tell about medical science in the Middle Ages. Janus is a surgeon in his daily work and has an enormous knowledge of medieval medicine.

They will show how to specialize, operate arrowheads out, connect and care.