Calendar of Events

Summer Market in Haithabu

Kind of Event
Market / Fair

Summertime is market time in Haithabu. Craftsmen and traders from all over the North Sea and Baltic Sea region gather in the former trading metropolis on the Schlei to advertise their goods and demonstrate their craft as they did 1000 years ago.  

Visitors can look forward to a lively summer market again. You can smell the smell of the forge fire from afar. Colorful fabrics, precious jewelry and exotic goods from distant countries as well as artfully crafted things for everyday use are for sale at the summer market in Haithabu. There is something for every hacked silver bag. You can experience up close how clothes, jewelry and household items - but also weapons and armor - were made in the Viking Age. 

Many hands-on activities invite you to become active yourself. Even little Vikings will find a rich field of activity at the summer market: They can carve soapstone, scratch runes and much more.

The physical well-being is also taken care of: At many stands, tasty dishes are prepared in front of the visitors, inviting them to try them. Immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle of the Viking market in Haithabu and enjoy the summer sun with us.

 Due to the corona pandemic, it is possible that this event will have to be canceled at short notice or that it will take place in a different context. Please inform yourself about current changes on our website or contact our service: +49 (0) 4621 813 222, .