Calendar of Events

Viking Festival

Kind of Event
Market / Fair
Organised by
the Netherlands

Visit the Viking encampment and browse the market stalls. The Viking Festival is this year for the 23rd time!

There are plenty of stalls selling everything from jewelry to clothing, soap to honey wine, weaponry to toys. The Vikings also do not like to sit still, they like to tell about daily life in the early Middle Ages. At the weekend they give a demonstration of the different weapons and clothing that were used and worn by the Vikings. The Vikings are industrious farmers, skilled craftsmen, shrewd merchants, brave fighters and above all, intrepid explorers.

The Vikings have left a great impression until today. Many place names, especially in England, therefore come from the Scandinavian language. Jewelry and utensils used by the Vikings have been found all over Europe. People also wrote about the Vikings. The English thought they were strange – before a big fight they spent hours washing themselves, combing their hair and plaiting beards. The Vikings believed that if they died in battle, they could go to Valhalla. A place where there was eternal partying and fighting. And then you better look a little neat!

 Book your visit here