Calendar of Events

Workshop: understand Prehistory through Experimental Archaeology and Dissemination

Organised by
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On 24th and 25th November 2018 will be held at the "Torre dei Guardiani" visit center in the Alta Murgia National Park in Ruvo di Puglia (Bari), the dissemination course called "understand Prehistory through Experimental Archaeology and Dissemination".
The course is aimed primarily at tourist guides, naturalistic and archaeological, to teachers of all levels, university students, museum operators and even to simple enthusiasts.
Responsible and organizer of the course is Domenico Lorusso, President of the Vivarch association and member of EXARC (Archaeological Open-Air Museums-Experimental Archaeology-Ancient Technology-Interpretation).
The course accredited by AIGAE (with 4 credits - course 0337-2C-18) and with the patronage of the Alta Murgia National Park, will begin Saturday morning November 24th at 9:00h and will end on Sunday 25th at 14:00h.
Participants can find accommodation at the "Torre dei Guardiani" visit center at a special rate.
The course will deal with the following topics: basic flint chipping techniques, chipping and realization of flint stone tools, use of strikers and retouchers (all the tools made will be owned by the participants), production of vegetable and animal glues, recognition and identification of the main raw materials used by prehistoric man in the course of history, demonstration of chipping of obsidian,
natural dyes and their use in artistic representations, the use of the main musical instruments (horn, shells, whistles in bone, rattles in shell, etc.), and finally we will experiment the lighting of the fire using the same techniques and the same materials that man used during the most ancient period of his history.
The course will enable the participants to experience directly all the topics described above.
At the end of the course a certificate of participation will be issued.
Cost of the course including materials, operators, equipment, equipment: 80 euros, instead 40 euros for AIGAE members.

The course will take place with a minimum of 10 participants and a maximum of 20.
The confirmation of participation in the course must be accompanied by the sending of a deposit of 50% of the total fee, only upon receipt of the deposit the participant can be considered enrolled.