
Moving Monoliths: Easter Island and Environmental Collapse

Maureen Folk (US)
The Rapa Nui civilization once thrived on Easter Island, and produced unique statues which became a parable for collapse around the world (Hunt and Lipo, 2011). Several experiments have been conducted to better understand this collapse, specifically surrounding the movement of the islands’ largest inhabitants, the moai – the large monolithic human figures carved by the Rapa Nui people...


From Greek mega = large and lith = stone. Can be 1. a single stone or 2. a monument such as a tomb made of several large stones.
Source Wikipedia

Hunebedcentrum (NL)

Member of EXARC

The new exhibition in the Hunebedcentrum takes you back to the time of your earliest ancestors: the hunebed builders who lived here 5,000 years ago. Interactive games, dioramas and informative displays tell the stories of these prehistoric people. Outside you can visit the largest hunebed in the Netherlands, and in the Prehistoric Park you will come face to face with these ancient people.

The new exhibition in the Hunebedcentrum takes you back to the time of your earliest ancestors: the hunebed builders who lived here 5,000 years ago. Interactive games, dioramas and informative displays tell the stories of these prehistoric people...